Check carefully for the perfect clearness of the dinnerwareAppetizers, soup and salad are set in place on top of a service plate. Napkins are never placed on the service plate. The dinner knife is on the right side with the edge to the inside The soup spoon in placed to the outside fish knife on the right. However, in this formal setting the dinner fork is placed to be used before the salad forkThe general rule with utensils is to start from the outside of your place setting, and work your way toward the service plate : soup spoon first, then fish knife and fork, then service knife and fork. The bread plate with the butter knife with the adge to the outside is placed to the left of the service plate above the forks. The dessert spoon and cake fork are above the plate fork handle should point to the left
Recently, I moved to a new country. This country is huge. It has many people, buildings. The most important building here is the City Hall , or it is also called the House of Parliament . The next day, I went to a new school for me. It was not usual. Everything is beautifully arranged, kind and sympathetic students and teachers, and a kind director. And so, I came to my classroom. our class teacher began to acquaint me with my classmates . The very classroom was not small. It had 3 rows of desks, 4 windows and a utility room. On the first day of school in a new school , in a new classroom, I made friends with all. The school itself was large, divided into 3 buildings.If you count, for example, a canteen occupies a place near 3 classes and a small sports hall. And here begins a lesson ... The time schedule of school calls does not match ours , in my country. 1 day in a new school, in a new class and with new people I spent fun !
We must all learn to deal with difficulties in life