Измените предложения так, чтобы глагол в них был в страдательном залоге.
1. They grow bananas in hot countries.
2. We will deliver your pizza in twenty minutes.
3. They served the meal in a spacious dining room.
4. We asked for coffee while they were preparing the bill.
5. Someone had eaten all the food by the time we got there.
6. They are redecorating the restaurant.
7. Overweight customers are going to sue (подать в суд) McDonald’s.
8. You should send this letter right away.
9. I don’t like people telling me what to do.
10. No one has translated this book yet.
Источник: https://natworld.info/o-prirode-dlja-shkoly/sochinenija-o-prirode/sochinenie-na-temu-zagrjaznenie-okruzhajushhej-sredy © Природа Мира|NatWorld.info