Hi hannah!
How are you? I`m very excited beacuse I`m going to
visit the city of York on Friday with my shool
We`re going to travel Friday 10th July Bus leaves 6.30 a.m. returns 8.30 p.m. at 6.30 a.m. and return at about York . I looked at the weather forecast on TV- it`s goign to be really hot and sunny so what do me need to take with you sunscreen and new sunglasses. York has got a lot of interesting places to visit.
There`s catherdal. National Raelway Museum. You can see a lot of beautiful old trains there
Byes for now
я это капец как долго делал тупо невозможно но я смог
Notes about: Thomas Jefferson
Famous because...
He was a president who didn't like to talk in front of the crowd
Fact 1
He was afraid of talking in front of the crowd
Fact 2
Although he was afraid of crowd he was good at writing
Born on and in...
Was born in April 13, 1743
Fact 1
Loved to be out in the woods
Fact 2
Loved reading books
Dead and alive...
He was a 3rd president of US
Fact 1
It was hard to make people happy
Fact 2
After 8 ears he went home and did what he wanted to do
Nice president should I say
используется, когда действие выполняется давно, и до сих пор продолжает действие.
have/has +been+ Ving
Индикаторы: (How) long... как долго
как давно
For 5 years...
last you...