Tourism is an important part of life in America today. Every year millions of tourists from all over the world come to the United States: one - to look at New York City from the observation deck Empire State Building, and watch a classic musical on Broadway, someone - sunbathing on the sandy beaches of Florida, some - reckless plunge into the nightlife of Las Vegas. New York, Los Angeles, Miami ... these cities know people in almost all countries of the world. U.S. landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty, Avenue of Stars in Hollywood have long been symbols for the millions of people of the United States. Almost impossible to tell about all the sights of the United States of America - that skyscrapers and monuments, museums, and national parks, nature reserves, and educational institutions, and research centers, and casinos, and much, much, much more
Итак, верим ли мы в приметы? Вопрос сложный, и чтобы решить его, прибегнем к статистике. Проанализировав ответы на форумах на вопрос «Верите Вы в приметы?», я подсчитала, что примерно 4 человека из 10 верят, 4 – нет, и 2 – затрудняются с ответом принять во внимание, что было подсчитано всего около 100 ответов на 4 различных форумах. Давайте теперь разберемся – что такое примета и суеверие, для этого прибегнем к толковому словарю Ожегова: «СУЕВЕРИЕ – вера во что-нибудь сверхъестественное, таинственное, в предзнаменования, в приметы.
New York, Los Angeles, Miami ... these cities know people in almost all countries of the world.
U.S. landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty, Avenue of Stars in Hollywood have long been symbols for the millions of people of the United States.
Almost impossible to tell about all the sights of the United States of America - that skyscrapers and monuments, museums, and national parks, nature reserves, and educational institutions, and research centers, and casinos, and much, much, much more