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30.04.2020 03:35 •  Английский язык

Решите тест ссоры).
2. I cannot this rule.
3. Do you easily stories?
4. Complete the question tags.
1) Rose is cleaning out the pond, ?
2) Andy has been reading a book for 15 minutes, ?
3) Sally is collecting rubbish, ?
4) They study at a secondary school, ?
5) You can speak three languages, ?
6) He has passed the exam, ?

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Ожидается, что рост будет непрерывным.

Для ответа на этот вопрос, нам нужно использовать правильную форму глагола в зависимости от того, какой вид глагола используется в предложении.

В данном случае, мы имеем глагол "grow" (расти), который является нерегулярным глаголом. Он меняет свою форму в зависимости от времени и лица.

Поскольку здесь используется слово "expected" (ожидается), которое указывает на будущее время, нам нужно использовать форму глагола в будущем времени.

Форма глагола "grow" в будущем времени имеет вид "will + глагол в инфинитиве", тогда ответ будет:

"The expected growth will be continuous." (Ожидается, что рост будет непрерывным.)

Вот пошаговый разбор решения:

1. Изначально, мы видим, что в предложении есть пропуск вместо слова "grow". Таким образом, нам нужно найти подходящую форму глагола, чтобы заполнить этот пропуск.
2. Затем, мы замечаем слово "expected" (ожидается) перед пропуском. Это подсказывает нам, что форма глагола должна быть в будущем времени.
3. Мы знаем, что правильная форма глагола "grow" в будущем времени имеет вид "will + глагол в инфинитиве".
4. Используя эту правило, мы заменяем пропуск на "will grow".
5. Добавляем остальные слова в предложение: "The expected growth will be continuous." (Ожидается, что рост будет непрерывным.)

Надеюсь, что это объяснение понятно и полезно школьнику!
4,8(78 оценок)
1) Alexander Barr, a civilian officer with no real mechanical skills, was ordered aboard the merchant ship as part of the armed guard during the year 1943.

2) The phrase "he had his crew well in hand" means that Lieutenant Barr had good control and command over his crew. He had managed to maintain discipline and order among his men, except for one troublesome individual named Zabinski.

3) Zabinski's behavior proves that he was a problem child. He was frequently involved in misconduct, such as being drunk, smoking on watch, and falling asleep during his duty. These actions disrupted the discipline on board.

4) Lieutenant Barr attempted various methods to reason with Zabinski. He initially tried to talk to him and punish him through confinement or extra duty. However, since these methods did not have any effect on Zabinski's behavior, Barr came to the conclusion that the only thing Zabinski might understand is force.

5) When Lieutenant Barr mentioned boxing as a form of recreation, he did not actually mean to have a light-hearted activity. He had a hidden agenda and intended to use the opportunity to teach Zabinski a lesson.

6) Zabinski smiled when he accepted Lieutenant Barr's suggestion because he thought that it would give him a chance to retaliate physically against his commander. He believed that he could harm Barr during the match.

7) It did not take Lieutenant Barr long to discover Zabinski's boxing skills. Within the first five seconds of the first round, Barr realized that Zabinski was a semi-professional boxer and capable of knocking him out with a single punch if he desired.

8) The seamen gathered on deck to watch the match initially found it amusing, as they witnessed Barr's struggle against Zabinski. However, their laughter turned into surprise when Barr struck Zabinski with the silver-weighted glove, causing him to fall unconscious.

9) Barr asked for a time out because he needed to go to his cabin to retrieve the silver coins from the safe. He used these coins to weigh one of his gloves secretly, intending to strike Zabinski with extra force and knock him out.

10) Zabinski's tactics during the match were to play with Barr, as he had done before. He allowed Barr to hit him occasionally, as it gave him opportunities to deliver his own painful punches. This proves that Zabinski did not expect any change in the course of the match.

11) After knocking Zabinski out, Barr briefly observed the motionless boy and instructed the seamen to throw water on him without showing any empathy or remorse. He then returned to his cabin to clean his wounds and put the roll of coins back into the safe.

12) The result of the match helped Lieutenant Barr in maintaining discipline on board the ship. After witnessing the lieutenant's physical prowess, Zabinski seemingly understood that his behavior would not be tolerated. As a result, there were no more personnel issues during their time at sea.

IV Discussion:

1) Supposing Zabinski guessed something wrong in Lieutenant Barr's behavior, he might have become fearful or maybe even retaliated by finding another way to trouble him. His actions could have escalated, leading to more severe consequences.

2) Alexander Barr used different methods such as reasoning, punishment through confinement or extra duty, and finally resorting to physical force to deal with Zabinski's behavior. These methods were somewhat unorthodox since they went beyond the usual disciplinary procedures. A more appropriate approach may have been assigning him to a mentor or implementing counseling sessions to address the root cause of his misconduct. Barr's methods of maintaining discipline could be viewed as justified within the specific context of dealing with a problematic crew member.

3) The title of the story, "A Foul Blow," is used in its direct meaning. It refers to the unexpected and unfair blow dealt by Lieutenant Barr to Zabinski during their boxing match. The word "foul" signifies an illicit or dishonest action.

4) Character sketches:
- Zabinski: Zabinski is a young troublemaker on the ship, often causing problems and displaying a lack of discipline. He regularly engages in activities such as drinking and neglecting his duty. He takes pleasure in defying authority figures, including Lieutenant Barr. Zabinski is also shown to be a skilled boxer, emphasizing his physical capabilities.
- Lieutenant Barr: Lieutenant Alexander Barr is a civilian officer with no mechanical skills who is assigned to the merchant ship during wartime. He is depicted as a firm and resourceful individual. Barr is determined to maintain discipline on board and resorts to unconventional methods, such as boxing, to address Zabinski's behavior.
4,8(62 оценок)
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