задание 1
1. I am a doctor.
2. You are a artist.
3. He was a businessman.
4. She was a designer.
5. They will be a programmer.
6. I am a shop assistant.
7. You are an architect.
8. He was a fireman.
9. She was a chef.
10 They will be a policemens.
11. I am a teacher.
12. You are a director.
13. He was a manager.
14. She was an accountunt.
15. They will be an engineer.
16. I am a taxi driver.
17. You are an instructor of driving.
18. He was a translator.
19. She was a lawyer.
20. They will be a receptionists.
21. I am a librarian.
22. You are a musician.
23. He was a footballer.
24. She was a actress.
25. They will be an adventurers.
26. I am a farmer.
27. You are a scientist.
28. He was a blogger.
29. She was a press photographer.
30. They will be a historian.
задание 2
1. We are at the cinema.
2. They are in the hotel.
3. We were on the ground.
4. We are in the hospital.
5. They are in the mountains.
6. We were in the garage.
7. We are at the exhibition.
8. They are in the museum.
9. We were on the farm.
10. We are at the railway station.
11. They are in the play store.
12. We were at the playground.
13. We are in library.
14. They are in the room.
15. We were on the roof.
16. We are at the concert.
17. They are Shopping center.
18. We were in the forest.
19. We are in the club.
20. They are in the theatre.
Задание 2. Сделать утвердительные предложения в PRESENT SIMPLE
1. I go shopping with my brother.
Задание 3. Сделать отрицательные предложения В PRESENT SIMPLE
1. I study French.
I do not study French.
Задание 4. Сделать вопросительные предложения В PRESENT SIMPLE
1. live / in / you / Do / Moscow / ?
Do you live in Moscow?
Задание 5. Составить предложения в утвердительной форме В PRESENT CONTINUOUS
• Frank and Martin are watching a TV show now. (watch)
Задание 6. Сделать отрицательные предложения В PRESENT CONTINUOUS.
• I/play/tennis/with/my/friend/now.
I am not playing tennis with my friend now.
Задание 4. Сделать вопросительные предложения В PRESENT SIMPLE
1. live / in / you / Do / Moscow / ?
Do you live in Moscow?