1. I am going to the door. - Я иду к двери. 2. I am standing at the blackboard. - Я стою у доски. 3. I am writing a sentence on the blackboard. - Я пишу предложение на доске. 4. I am holding the duster in my left hand. - Я держу тряпку в левой руке. 5. I am sitting at my desk. - Я сижу за своей партой. 6. I am putting my books into my bag. - Я кладу свои книги в свою сумку. 7. I am taking my notebooks out of my bags. (тут, видимо, должно быть bag, а не bags?) - Я достаю свои тетради из своей сумки. 8. I am counting the words in the text. - Я подсчитываю количество слов в тексте. 9. I am drawing a house. - Я рисую дом. 10. I am carrying my friend's bag. - Я несу сумку своей подруги.
Transportation by rail in Kazakhstan is very important. Kazakhstan Railways provide 68% of all cargo and passenger traffic to over 57% of the country. 15,333 km in common carrier service, excluding industrial lines.Kazakhstan Temir Zholy is the national railway company.There is a small 8.56 km metro system in Almaty. A second and third metro lines are planned in the future.There is still a tram system which opened in 1937. However, with the metro construction, 8 of the 10 lines were closed and now there are only 2 lines. They total 23 km.The Astana Metro system is under construction. There are 2 tram lines in Temirtau. The motorways network in Kazakhstan is rather underdeveloped. Kazakhstan has a total of 97 airports. However, it is quoted as having a total of 449 airports in 2001.
a holiday (праздник)
a present (подарок)
a costume (костюм)
a song (песня)
a dish (блюдо) но это не точно , может и неисчисляемое...
a street (улица)
a pumpkin (тыква)
tea (чай)
fire (огонь)
time (время)
Если не сложно,отметь лучшим...