1 They always speak only about .
2 I like doing my homework by .
3 Who cleans Brian’s suit for him? - Nobody. He cleans it .
4 I don’t think she knows many people. When I see her, she is always by .
5 Who went with her?-Nobody. She went by .
6 Why can’t you phone him ?
7 Who repaired the bike for you? - Nobody. I repaired it .
8 Relax when you dance.
9 I tried to control .
10 Babies cannot look after .
11 The children are making something to eat.
12 We should always believe in .
13 Do you like working with other people or do you prefer working by ?
14 My aunt taught to swim.
15 Polly and Nancy, help to sweets and juice. вставить возвратные местоимение
He began his career at Atlético de Madrid. He is the footballer who scored more goals in the history of football and he holds the record for most games played.
He was captain for three years and now he plays as alternate. It is a position that he accepts with dignity.
When he retires he could be a president or a coach of his team.
Рауль является великим игроком в истории мадридского Реала.Он начал свою карьеру в Атлетико. Он является футболистом, который забил больше голов в истории футбола, и он держит рекорд по количеству игр.Он был капитаном в течение трех лет, и теперь он играет в качестве альтернативного. Это позиция, что он принимает с достоинством.Когда он уходит в отставку он может быть президентом или тренером своей команды.