заполните таблицу. напишите по 5 примеров в каждой колонке.
1) дикие животные-тигр лев гиена волк слон
2) Домашние Животные-кошка попугай собака хомяк корова
3) морские животные-акула рыба-клоун дельфин кит тюлень
4) насекомые-многоножка муха комар таракан клещ
5) птицы-орел синица голубь сокол снегирь
fill in the table. write 5 examples in each column.
1) wild animals-tiger lion hyena wolf elephant
2) Pets-cat parrot dog hamster cow
3) sea animals-shark clown fish Dolphin whale seal
4) insects-millipede fly mosquito cockroach tick
5) birds-eagle tit dove Falcon bullfinch
it’s impossible to imagine our life without mass media. tv, radio, newspapers, magazines are everywhere. around us all the time, they have a strong influence on our mood, feelings, ideas, attitudes to life and politics. but the mass media offer both advantages and disadvantages.firstly, we always get the latest news, to say nothing of the fact that we can get everything we want from the internet in a few minutes. secondly, weather forecasts can warn of different natural disasters; so the mass media help people to avoid harm and losses. then, there is the possibility of having a good time: it’s wonderful to relax sitting in an armchair in front of the screen or reading some newspapers. nowadays, lots of entertaining, female, musical and fashion magazines, and different tv and radio programs, help us to relax. but there are some drawbacks of the mass media.sometimes i look at various newspapers and magazines, watch tv-news, and i suppose the main disadvantage of them is the amount of negative information they portray. watching the news we learn primarily about wars, crimes, disasters and accidents. i find gossip another minus of the mass to cut a long story short, all the negative and false information can cause stress and a bad mood. and finally, tv and computers have a harmful effect on people. the majority of teenagers don’t read books and never visit theatres. i want to add that tv and computers can spoil one’s health.
при условии того, что контроша вся лишь по презент пёрфекту, то
1. have worked
2. всё верно, хотя я тут всё же сомневаюсь, вместо презент перфекта куда больше подошло бы просто паст симпл bought без has
3. has been
4. всё верно
5. have left
5. have met