VII. Задайте вопросы к предложениям и поставьте их в отрицательную форму:
1. The profession of a lawyer isn’t quite diversified. What is the profession of a lawyer? Is the profession of a lawyer quite diversified?
2. The lawyers don’t protect the rights of citizens. Who protects the rights of citizens? What do the lawyers protect?
3. England didn’t abolish judicial corporal punishment in 1948. What did England abolish in 1948? When did England abolish judicial corporal punishment?
4. The profession of a lawyer won’t be the most respectful in the law-governed state. Will the profession of a lawyer be the most respectful in the law-governed state? What will be the most respectful in the law-governed state?
5. The Government doesn’t take any measures to strengthen the criminal justice system.What does the Government do to strengthen the criminal justice system? Does the Government take any measures to strengthen the criminal justice system?
1)I have a little time.
-У меня есть мало(но достаточно) времени.
2)I have little time for lunch.
-У меня мало(и не достаточно)времени для обеда.
3)She has little water.
- У неё мало(и не достаточно) воды.
1)Sasha has a few clothes.
- У Саши мало(но достаточно)одежды.
2)We will buy a few shoes.
- Мы купим мало(но достаточно) обуви.
3)Can you buy them a few copy-books?
- Ты можешь купить им мало(но достаточно)тетрадей?
A little/a few - пишется тогда,когда мало но достаточно.
Little/few - пишется тогда,когда мало и не достаточно.