In the evening he obtained information about that happened in city for a day. However she got to the newspaper, because it was already late. 2. He went home yet till collections began. 3. He began to search an own auto with a police, although to it four days tried to find him independently. 4. She told everything to him, before went in vacation. 5. He did it since she talked with him. 6. Whole morning they built a wall that the day before was broken for ten minutes. 7. Before to go to work, she five years studied in an institute. 8. They made off repair, guests arrived before. 9. During repair workers worked very well. 10. Nik decided to cooperate with a firm with that his brother already two years had an agreement. 11. Last week he met Jane. She asked, where he bought an auto. 12. Where were they yesterday in nine in the evening? - In this time they discussed the plan of work. 13. By then, as he came home, he forgot everything, that Martha said of him. 14. Andrew looked after everything, long before
Мой день начинается с самого утра. Я встаю в девять часов утра. В час я иду в школу. Остальные шесть часов дня я провожу в школе. После школы в пол девятого я ужинаю. Через час после ужина я делаю домашние задание. В восемь часов днвечера я иду гулять с собачкой. А в десять часа вечера я ложусь спатьMoy den' nachinayetsya s samogo utra. YA vstayu v devyat' chasov utra. V chas ya idu v shkolu. Ostal'nyye shest' chasov dnya ya provozhu v shkole. Posle shkoly v pol devyatogo ya uzhinayu. Cherez chas posle uzhina ya delayu domashniye zadaniye. V vosem' chasov dnvechera ya idu gulyat' s sobachkoy. A v desyat' chasa vechera ya lozhus' spat'