Internet addiction is a serious problem. It shouldn't be ignored because it can lead to obesity, problems with falling asleep, depression, etc.
If a person feels addicted to the Internet, he/she should spend more time on valuable activities, such as eating healthily, reading, doing homework, physical activities. It is a good idea to find a hobby that isn't connected with the Internet. It can be doing sports or drawing, walking or hiking. It also helps to spend more time with family and friends discussing news, helping parents with household chores and having fun together. It is much better to make friends in person and hang out with them avoiding online communication.
-Hello, Sasha!
-Nazymbek, you know capital of Kazakhstan?
-Yes, it is Astana.
-And you were in this city?
-Yes, certainly was. It is a beautiful city!
-And what it was pleasant to you?
-Bayterek, the city center Mega, residence of the president-it beautiful building.
-You would like to visit there once again?
-Yes, certainly.
-Too there very much it was pleasant to me. It is time to me to go, while.
-See you!-Привет, Назымбек!
-Привет, Саша!
-Назымбек, ты знаешь столицу Казахстана?
-Да, это Астана.
-А ты был в этом городе?
-Да, конечно был. Это красивый город!
-А что тебе именно понравилось?
-Байтерек, городской центр Мега, резиденция президента-это очень красивое здание.
-Хотел бы ты еще раз там побывать?
-Да, конечно!
-Мне тоже там очень понравилось. Мне пора идти, пока.
-До встречи!