Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Befitting the Red Planet's bloody color, the Romans named it after their god of war. In truth, the Romans copied the ancient Greeks, who also named the planet after their god of war, Ares.
ПЕРЕВОД-Марс-это четвертая планета от солнца. Как и подобает кровавому цвету Красной планеты, римляне назвали ее в честь своего бога войны. По правде говоря, римляне копировали древних греков, которые также назвали планету в честь своего бога войны Ареса.
A train is cheaper than a bus.
This text is the biggest of all.
I was ill last week but today I am better.
Park street is longer than Market Street.
This jacket is small for me. Show me a bigger one.
What is the hardest thing in life?
A crocodile is bigger than a water snake.
Helen is the prettiest girl in our class.
Jill is a far more intelligent person than my brother.
Kate was the most practical of the family.
Greg felt worse yesterday than the day before.
This wine is the best I have ever tasted.
Jack was the tallest of the two. Jack is the cleverest of the three brothers.
If you need any further information, please contact our head office.
The sinking of Titanic is one of the most famous shipwreck stories of all time. Please, send the books back without further delay.
The deposits of oil in Russia are by far the richest in the world.
Could you come a bit earlier tomorrow?
I like this song better than the previous one.
Which of this two performances did you enjoy more?
The fire was put out more quickly than we expected.
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