1.Tom Sawyer was a small boy who lived with his aunt, Polly. She was a very kind person and she loved him dearly. But she couldn’t manage Tom properly as he was a very lively boy. Том Сойер - маленький мальчик, который жил со своей тетей, Полли. Она была очень добрым человеком, и любила его всем сердцем. Но она не могла справится с ним, как Том был очень подвижным мальчиком. 2. Pinocchio - frivolous wooden boy. After going through many adventures, he managed to become a real boy. He always wanted to help his father, but it turned out the opposite. Despite his lightheadedness, Pinocchio had a good heart. Пиноккио - легкомысленный деревянный мальчик, который, пройдя через много приключений превратился в настоящего мальчика. Он всегда хотел отцу, но получалось наоборот. Несмотря на всю свою легкомысленность, Пиноккио имел доброе сердце. 3. Alice - the heroine of the tale. she is about seven years. girl Once through the rabbit hole she falls into an imaginary world inhabited by strange creatures. In this world, she experiences a lot of adventures that later turn out to be a dream Алиса - главная героиня сказки, которой около семи лет. Однажды она попадает сквозь кроличью нору в воображаемый мир, населённый странными существами. В этом мире она переживает много приключений, которые потом оказываются сном
1. Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?=I usually spend my summer holidays abroad. 2. What do you like to do at the seaside?=At the seaside I usually sunbathe and like to swim and just lie in the sun. 3. What do you like to do in the country?=In the country I like to take long walks. 4. What do you like to do in the city?=In the city I like to visit theatres and cinemas. 5. What do you like to do to at camp?=At camp I like to spend time with my friends. 6. Do you like your summer holidays? Why?=I like my summer holidays bacause it is usually warm in summer and summer is my favourite season.
Anne can't come to the park with us. She must help her mum with the housework.