This year, the World Festival of Youth and Students is held in Russia, and I really liked the idea of the action, which is now taking place throughout our country in support of friendly communication between countries. Organizers of the event We offered students, students, to communicate directly with their foreign peers. And it's really great that Indeed, it's great that it is possible for the Initiative to show itself and write the first lines of the LETTER, which can be the beginning of a new friendship that will help them through the concrete people to know better another country, another culture.
1)Простите, а где проходит урок? 2)Я не знаю в каком классе. Я новенький в этой школе. 1)Я тоже. Меня зовут Маркус. 2)Меня зовут Девид. Я постораюсь запомнить твое имя, ведь оно не обычное для меня.Как оно, скажи? 1)Маркус 2)Точно! Сколько тебе лет? 1)12.А тебе? 2)12, тоже! Ты в классе ? 1)Да, я там! 2)Я тоже! Пошли на урок вместе!
opened я думаю подпешись мне