1. I ... when someone knocked at the door. A. was sleeping 2. After the Sun ... , we saw thousands of fireflies. B. had set 3. When Don arrived we ... coffee. C. were having 4. I've been waiting for you ... ages! C. for 5. Cora was reading a letter ... Jimmy phoned her. D. when 6. I've met him ... but I don't want to see him again. D. before 7. How long have you been waiting for ...? A. the meeting 8. You failed your exam! It's such a ... A. disappointment 9. His ... causes a lot of problems. B. activity 10. You should be at the university, ...? A. shouldn't you 11. They will buy a new car, ...? C. won't they 12. The train ... leave in 15 minutes. C. is to 13. You'd better look ... your lectures before the exam. B. through 14. It's a great chance ... a good impression. C. for you to make 15. I'd rather ... tea without sugar. А. drink
If we won the lottery, we would travel all over the world