My best friend Masha. We have been friends already five/six years. I turn to her for advice, acceptance and approval for many of the choses and decisions I make in my life. She knows me even better than I know myself. We have been through a lot of happy times, good times, sad times and bad times together in our lives. Whenever I need assistance with anything in life, she is the person who I go to. I truely wish more people in life could experience a friendship like we have and for those I am so very proud of her accomplishments. I am very fortunate to have a best friend who I turn to for the many things in my life and I would not give her up for anything in the world.
L colomn I like: riding bicycle (я люблю кататься на велосипеде) playing volleyball (играть в волейбол) playing basketball (играть в баскетбол) shooting (стеновую стрельбу) ll coloumn I would like: to swim (я бы хотел заниматься плаванием) to play tennis (играть в теннис) to ski (кататься на коньках) to skate (кататься на лыжах) lll colomn I don't want to: serf (я не хочу заниматься серфингом) do boxing (заниматься боксом) skateboard (заниматься скейтбордингом) show jumping (parcur) (заниматься прыжками или паркуром)
She knows me even better than I know myself. We have been through a lot of happy times, good times, sad times and bad times together in our lives. Whenever I need assistance with anything in life, she is the person who I go to. I truely wish more people in life could experience a friendship like we have and for those I am so very proud of her accomplishments. I am very fortunate to have a best friend who I turn to for the many things in my life and I would not give her up for anything in the world.