думаю что на american похоже
Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London, isn’t it?
You can see red double-decker buses, can’t you?
Вопрос к подлежащему
What is one of the largest parks in central London?
Who can see red double-decker buses?
Is Hyde Park one of the largest parks in central London?
Can you see red double-decker buses?
Where is Hyde Park one of the largest parks?
What can you see?
Is Hyde Park one of the largest or smallest parks in central London ?
Can you see red or yellow double-decker buses?
Pounds and pence, dollars and cents
The basic unit of British currency is the pound. One pound is 100 pence. There are eight different British coins; there are one-pence coins, two pence coins, five-pence coins, ten-pence coins, twenty-pence coins and fifty-pence coins. There are also one pound coins and two pound coins. Then there are live – pound notes, ten-pound notes, twenty – pound notes and fifty – pounds notes.
The basic unit of American currency is, of course, the dollar. One dollar is 100 cents. There are five different coins; there are one-cent coins, five – cent coins, ten-cent coins, twenty-five-cent coins and fifty-cent coins. There are one-dollar notes, five-dollar notes, ten-dollar notes, twenty-dollar notes, fifty – dollar notes and one-hundred-dollar notes. Usually the exchange rate is about one and a half dollars to the pound.