Ки́ви — название плодов культурных сортов растений рода Актини́дия[1][2], принадлежащих к видам Актини́дия кита́йская (лат. Actinidia chinensis) или Актинидия деликатесная (лат. Actinidia deliciosa)[3]. Сами растения представляют собой крупные древовидные лианы родом из Китая[1], поэтому киви иногда называют «китайским крыжовником». В 2017 году Китай произвел 50 % мирового объёма киви[4].
Первое описание киви датируется XII веком во времена династии Сун[5]. В начале XX века выращивание киви распространилось из Китая в Новую Зеландию, где были произведены первые коммерческие посадки[1]. Фрукты стали популярны среди британских и американских военнослужащих, дислоцированных в Новой Зеландии во время Второй мировой войны, а затем стали широко экспортироваться, сначала в Великобританию, а затем в Калифорнию в 1960-х годах[1][6].
Kiwi is the name of the fruits of cultivated varieties of plants of the genus Actinidia [1] [2], belonging to the species Actinidia chinensis (Latin Actinidia chinensis) or Actinidia deliciosa (Latin Actinidia deliciosa) [3]. The plants themselves are large tree-like lianas native to China[1], so kiwi is sometimes called "Chinese gooseberry". In 2017, China produced 50 % of the world's kiwi production. [4]
The first description of kiwi dates back to the 12th century during the Song Dynasty. [5] In the early 20th century, kiwi cultivation spread from China to New Zealand, where the first commercial plantings were made. [1] The fruit became popular with British and American military personnel stationed in New Zealand during World War II, and then became widely exported, first to the United Kingdom and then to California in the 1960s. [1] [6]
1. yesterday i had to answer all these letters. 2. do we have to write a dictation today? — yes, tomorrow we begin a new lesson. 3. shall i invite anna to dinner? — yes, please. 4. did you have to stay home because the weather was bad? 5. you definitely must come and have a look at our son.— with pleasure. 6. shall i go for a walk with nick now? - no, you don't have to.
you know that he has to go to bed at three o'clock. 7. i don't like to stay up late, but sometimes i have to. 8. i'm glad i didn't have to finish this work yesterday. 9. you should visit your friend. yesterday he did not come to class. 10. why didn't you come? — i couldn't, i had to take my children to the doctor. 11. you don't need to go to the library, we have got a lot of books at home, and you may take any book you like. 12. he shouldn't wake us so early.