1.The doctor is being sent. Present Continuous Passive
2.The armchair was placed in the sitting room. Past Simple Passive
3. They will be speaking about the problem with you tomorrow at five. Future Continuous Active
4. The room will be wallpapered tomorrow. Future simple Passive
Остальное доделаю через минут 10.
Transform the sentences from the Active Voice into the Passive Voice, translate into Russian:
The mother has already cooked the dinner.
The Chinese invented the ink many times ago.
I will write a letter to my friends in Britain.
The Germans burned many books.
He is asking the teacher about this rule at the moment.
3.Choose correct answer:
1.Where … their apartment located?
a) has b) is c) been
2.The letter … written by student.
a)are b) were c) was
3.This book will be …. a lot of about.
a)built b) repaired c) spoken
4.The salad has already …cooked.
a)been b) being c)benefit
Computers offer wonderful opportunities for everybody. Many teenagers enjoy using their computers. They make new friends and chat with them on the Internet.
But on the other hand, children who spend a lot of time at the computer, spend little time in the open air, they have virtually no real communication with peers. Many teachers in schools note the limited knowledge of children, lack of interest in reading books. Children sit in front of their PC or laptop (notebook) for hours and it’s bad for their eyes! They can’t stop playing cruel and silly games and become nervous and tired. The computer is sometimes a mere waste of time. Parents are concerned that the children using the Internet are not protected from negative information, which can be found on many sites. Computers are dangerous and addictive.
But besides many disadvantages in using the computer by children, there are of course some advantages too.
Regarding the education of children on the Internet children can find all the necessary information that is not given even in the textbooks. The main condition - to be able to properly use the Internet resources, then the child will only benefit from the computer. Then the Internet helps greatly in children’s studies. They find the necessary information and ideas on the net and use them in their work. The computer helps you both to relax and to get a lot of new interesting information. To my mind it’s a useful gadget.