Занятие 26.Тема: Наука и прогресс.
Задание: Заполните пробелы словами:totally, such, means, with(2), more,
themselves, actually.
For me, computers are a (1) to an end, nothing (2) . I don’t find them interesting in (3) . They enable me to do things that I need to do, (4) as sending emails or checking information on websites to help me (5) my homework or connected to one of my hobbies. But (6) my sister the situation is (7) different. It’s like you can’t believe we’re (8) related. She is obsessed with computers. I don’t understand, but that’s the truth.
Занятие 28.Тема: Чудеса современного мира.
Задание: Ознакомьтесь с чудесами мира и выполните упражнение.
New 7 Wonders of the World (2001-2007) was an initiative started in 2001 by the Swiss corporation New 7 Wonders Foundation to choose Wonders of the World from a selection of 200 existing monuments. The winners were announced on July 7, 2007 in Lisbon: 1.The Christ the Redeemer statue.2. The Taj Mahal.3. Machu Pichu.4.Chichen Itza.5. Colosseum.
6. Petra.7 Great Wall of Chine.
Семь чудес мира (2001-2007) - это инициатива, начатая в 2001 году швейцарской корпорацией , для выбора чудес света из набора 200 существующих памятников. Победители были объявлены 7 июля 2007 года в Лиссабоне:1. Статуя Христа-Искупителя.2. Тадж-Махал.3. Мачу-Пичу.4. Чичен-Ице. 5. Колизей.6. Petra.7. Великая Китайская стена.
1. The Christ the Redeemer statue took … years to build.
a)4 b)5 c)6
2. The Taj Mahal was completed in … .
a)1652 b)1752 c)1552
3. Machu Pichu is located …
a)in Brazil b)in Peru c)at the bottom of the mountain.
4. Chichen Itza has … steps.
a)364 b)366 c)365
5. The first games at Colosseum were held in … .
a) 80 AD b)180 AD c)80 BC
6. Petra is thought to be … years old.
a) 2000 b) 2500 c) 3000
7. More than … of the Great Wall of Chine is in poor condition.
a) 50 b) 60 c) 70
коли вони зненацька причаїлись,
коли не знаєш, з чого їх почать,
бо всі слова були уже чиїмись.
Хтось ними плакав, мучивсь, болів,
із них почав і ними ж і завершив.
Людей мільярди і мільярди слів,
а ти їх маєш вимовити вперше!
Все повторялось: і краса, й потворність.
Усе було: асфальти й спориші.
Поезія - це завжди неповторність,
якийсь безсмертний дотик до душі.
Перевод :
The silent words are frightening and mean ,
they hide at times to make the fears steady ,
and you don't know how to begin ,
for someone all these words has used already .
They keep somebody's tears , torture , pain ,
the cry of birth and that last dying sound .
People are milliards , stocks of words're the same ,
but yours must ring as if for the first time found .
Things are repeated : ugliness and beauty .
The paths and highways aren't new at all .
The Poetry's unique , its sacred duty's
to wake immortal chords of our soul .