1. I have win two prizes when I was seven. - WON вместо have win 2. My brother and I have played football since three hours. - FOR вместо since 3. I've learnt to play the guitar this year. - верно 4. I have drew a beautiful picture for my grandma today. - DRAWN вместо drew 5. We haven't finished our project already - YET вместо already 6. My father has taught me to ride a bike.- верное 7. I have played the violin for three years.- верно 8. Have you been to Scotland already?- YET вместо already 9. My sister have spent two weeks in Africa this year.- HAS
I have a very big house.I have a large living room and parents ' bedroom. The living room is a large sofa for guests and two small chairs.In the bedroom mom and dad's big bed.There's my room there on the couch sleeping with my cats.The kitchen was usually my mom because she loves to cook.Entrance hall.Dining room with beautiful light.Bathroom.So I told(a) about your house.Перевод:У меня очень большой дом.У меня большая гостиная и спальня родителей. В гостиной стоит большой диван для гостей и два маленьких кресла.В спальне мамы и папы большая кровать.Есть моя комната там на кресле спят мои кошки.Кухня там обычно бывает мама потому-что она любит готовить.Прихожая.Столовая с красивым светом.Ванная комната.Вот я рассказал(а) о своём доме.