Self-esteem is a very interesting thing. Literally, the word means your own assessment of yourself. In reality, for the most part, we blindly arrogate to ourselves, and then reproduce those assessments, those relationships that parents or other significant people gave us in childhood, calling all this “wealth” self-esteem. Self-esteem, or rather the self-attitude of an adult person begins with the child's self-esteem, is formed in childhood. Agree, as a man learned to walk, ride a bike, hold a racket when playing tennis, as he automatically continues to do. No wonder they say: "Habit is second nature." Any teacher will tell you: it is much harder to retrain than to teach correctly from the beginning. It’s much easier to keep doing the old things! What we are doing is automatically continuing to evaluate ourselves and treat ourselves as we were treated in childhood. There is a lot of automatism in our life! And that, on the one hand, is good! Imagine if EVERY action, such as brushing your teeth, needs to be re-mastered daily, a nightmare! However, automatism is bad, because we have “memorized” many actions, and they have already lost relevance, or we have memorized them altogether wrong. And out of habit, we continue to AUTOMATICALLY negatively think about ourselves (low self-esteem), to believe in attitudes that make us unhappy!
Родился оскар 16 октября 1854 года в дублине в семье врача. первое образование в биографии оскара уайльда было получено дома. родители, великолепно образованные, привили ему с детства любовь к книгам и языкам. затем же 1864-1871 года оскар провел в королевской школе портора, закончив которую с медалью был направлен в тринити-колледж. в этом учебном заведении уайльд приобрел не только знания, а еще некоторые убеждения, черты характера, которые он сохранил на всю жизнь. и без того прекрасное образование уайльда было продолжено в оксфорде. еще во время студенчества оскар путешествовал по европе, а также написал несколько произведений. за поэму «равенна» получил ньюдигейтскую премию. по окончанию университета поселился в лондоне, ездил по сша с лекциями. первый опубликованный сборник уайльда «стихотворения» вышел в 1881 году. вернувшись в лондон, оскар женится на констанции ллойд. следующий период его жизни был плодотворен. он работал журналистом, а также написал множество рассказов в то время. в 1890 году был опубликован роман уайльда «портрет дориана грея», быстро сыскавший успех. остроумие писателя прекрасно проявилось в комедиях «идеальный муж», «как важно быть серьёзным». после любовной связи с альфредом дугласом, маркиз куинсберри подал на уайльда в суд. оскар был осужден на два года тюрьмы, в которой окончательно сломался морально. освободившись в1897 году, поселился во франции, изменив имя на себастьяна мельмота, написал « редингской тюрьмы». 30 ноября 1900 года биография уайльда оборвалась в результате болезни (менингита).
Of course, i love to read a lot, so i have many favorite characters. but i will tell you only about one of them. it's harry potter. it is called the boy-who-lived. there once was a boy named harry, destined to be a star. his parents were killed by volan-de-mort. after this incident, he was left with a lightning scar. harry goes to hogwarts. meets ron and hermione. distribution hat identified him to gryffindor. soon he meets his godfather - sirius. but he dies, fighting with bellatrix ron break his wand, now ginny's gone and harry potter in mortal danger. tom riddle hides his snake harry found secret chamber. split your suol, to seven parts of a whole. at the end of the history lord volan-de-mort dies fron his own spell. hogwarts has been restored.
Self-esteem is a very interesting thing. Literally, the word means your own assessment of yourself. In reality, for the most part, we blindly arrogate to ourselves, and then reproduce those assessments, those relationships that parents or other significant people gave us in childhood, calling all this “wealth” self-esteem. Self-esteem, or rather the self-attitude of an adult person begins with the child's self-esteem, is formed in childhood. Agree, as a man learned to walk, ride a bike, hold a racket when playing tennis, as he automatically continues to do. No wonder they say: "Habit is second nature." Any teacher will tell you: it is much harder to retrain than to teach correctly from the beginning. It’s much easier to keep doing the old things! What we are doing is automatically continuing to evaluate ourselves and treat ourselves as we were treated in childhood. There is a lot of automatism in our life! And that, on the one hand, is good! Imagine if EVERY action, such as brushing your teeth, needs to be re-mastered daily, a nightmare! However, automatism is bad, because we have “memorized” many actions, and they have already lost relevance, or we have memorized them altogether wrong. And out of habit, we continue to AUTOMATICALLY negatively think about ourselves (low self-esteem), to believe in attitudes that make us unhappy!