Выберите лучшее слово, чтобы заполнить каждый пробел из альтернатив, приведенных в поле ниже. Есть некоторые слова, которые вы не должны использовать.
I'm Justin and 1 run a chain of bookshops specializing in old and rare books. Last year we started an e- _operation. It's been very successful. We have about 4,000 unique
(2)and last month our home page had over 15,000 (3)Visitors use the sire's search (4)to look for book titles or authors. They add items to their
shopping (5)and, when they've finished, they pay (6)using a credit
card. We send the books out by post so we don't have any (7) mile problems like
some companies. Since we started (8)we've had more customers in our
traditional (9)-and-mortar shops. People see our site while they are
(10)the web and that persuades them to come al.
Hits, users, cart, clicks,
Page, engine, bricks, first,
Securely, e-tailing, surfing, last, commerce, procurement
So, in conclusion i'd like to say that every person should have one hobby at least. If you want to be more successful,more active and smart you should train your strong sides and develop your some skils. Also, you get the best way to keep yourself busy and be pleased.