Подобрать для каждой ситуации выражение.
- I think we need to look at the exact figures.
- I don't think we're talking about the same thing.
- So, is that quite clear?
- Just give me a moment to do some calculations.
- I’m sorry, could you go through that again?
- Yes, I think we're talking at cross-purposes.
- Which key expression would you use in the following cases?
a. The other person wants you to agree a definite price today, but you need to consult your boss at the office tomorrow before committing yourself.
b. He/she suddenly asks you what discount you would make for a very large order indeed. You need a minute to work it out.
c. He/she asks to see the commission payments for the last three years. You didn't bring these figures because they are not really important.
d. He/she suddenly asks the price of similar products in the range. You have the price list in your briefcase - somewhere.
e. He/she has already explained the commission system twice, but you are still not really clear about it.
f. You have been talking about air transportation costs while they have been talking about costs for transportation by sea. They suddenly realize and point this out.
primary school – начальная школа
secondary school – средняя школа
a teacher – учитель
a school principal (a headmaster, a headmistress) – директор школы
an assistant principal – завуч
a pupil – ученик
a schoolboy (a schoolgirl) – школьник (школьница)
a classmate – одноклассник
school uniform – школьная форма
a classroom – классная комната
a library – библиотека
a principal’s office – кабинет директора
a laboratory – лаборатория
a computer room – кабинет информатики
a canteen – столовая
a gym (a gymnasium) – спортзал
a stadium – стадион
a playground – игровая площадка
a swimming pool – бассейн
a cloakroom – раздевалка, гардеробная
a school hall – актовый зал
a first-aid room (a nurse’s office) - медпункт
a toilet (a lavatory) – туалет
a lesson – урок
a break - перемена
lunch - обед
a timetable - расписание
a test – контрольная работа, тест
a dictation – диктант
a composition (an essay) – сочинение (эссе)
an exam – экзамен
a mark - оценка
homework - домашнее задание
a certificate of secondary education – аттестат о среднем образовании