I love to travel . During the trips you inevitably learn a lot : get acquainted with new places and learn their history, meeting new people and making friends . Trips fill you with new emotions , impressions. They provide an opportunity to broaden their horizons , learn about the life of not only your contemporaries , but also ancestors. Of course , it is very interesting to visit somewhere abroad to visit other countries to learn about other peoples' life . I dream to visit Australia and Africa , as well as in the Nordic countries (especially in Iceland ) . But first of all I would like to travel in Russia - because we have so many wonderful cities, which are the gems not only domestic but also world culture. One of those cities I've visited recently. I happened to be in the cultural capital of Russia and one of the most beautiful cities in the world - St. Petersburg. Frankly - my long-time dream come true . More about this city on the Neva , I, like any Russian people had known since childhood . You can not live in Russia and not know about St. Petersburg, or, as the Russians call it lovingly , Peter. This city has long been the capital of the Russian Empire. And it was built by Peter I it as the capital of Russia . Its chronology St. Petersburg leads since 1703 . It is said that it was built on the bones - the king spared people in order to build the most beautiful European-style town in the world. Saint Petersburg - a city on the moor . He is surrounded by forests consisting of "northern" trees are lovely especially the northern beauty. Approaching Peter , you see dark , elongated upwards, thin spruce little " consumptive " birch. It seems that you are met dusk northern marshes.
The famous Russian admiral Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev was born in Vladimir Province 14noyabrya 1788 . A sailor from a young age was a cherished dream Lazarev , so parents and defined it in 1803 korpus.V Sea . among the thirty best midshipmen Lazarev was sent to foreign journey . Five years of continuous swimming in the North Sea and the Mediterranean , the Atlantic , Indian and Pacific Oceans were Lazarev for excellent sea school. Captains of the ships , which sailed Mikhail Petrovich , certified him as a " boy crazy sharp and well-behaved behavior ." Upon arrival in Russia , when he was an officer , Lazarev soon took part in the fighting. He particularly distinguished himself in the battle of 14 August 1808 . near the Baltic port , while on the ship " Vsevolod " , which then had to fight with two English linear korablyami.Mihail P. participated in the war of 1812 . serving in the brig "Phoenix ."