What are you start doing? - I start doing my homework. Что ты начинаешь делать? - Я начинаю делать мою домашнюю работу. What did you start doing? - I started doing my homework. Что ты начинал делать? - Я начинал делать мою домашнюю работу. What will you start doing? - I will start doing my homework. Что ты будешь начинать делать? - Я буду начинать делать мою домашнюю работу.
What does she do? - She looks around. Что она делает? - Она оглядывается. What did she do? - She looked around. Что она делала? - Оглядывалась. What will she do? - She will look around. Что она будет делать? - Оглядываться.
They agree to go for a walk with us. - Where are they agree to go with us? Они соглашаются пойти на прогулку с нами. - Куда они согласятся пойти с нами? They agreed to go for a walk with us. - Where did they agree to go with us? Они согласились пойти на прогулку с нами. - Куда они согласились пойти с нами? They will agree to go for a walk with us. - Where will they agree to go with us? Они согласятся пойти на прогулку с нами. - Куда они согласятся пойти с нами?
The Vladimir region is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and is included in the Central Federal District. It borders with Moscow, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod regions.
Area - 29,084 km². Population - 1 365 805 people. (2019). The regional center is the city of Vladimir, the distance from Vladimir to Moscow is 178 km. The distance from MKAD to the border of the region along the Shchelkovsky highway is 62 km, along the M7 “Volga” highway - 79 km.
It was founded on August 14, 1944 by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the territory of the Vladimir province of the RSFSR that existed until January 14, 1929 (within borders much smaller than the Vladimir province of the Russian Empire).