1. Tom didn't see her as he was reading when she came into the kitchen.
2. When Rupert was in Moscow he visited the places where he had played as a boy.
3. The letter arrived 10 minutes after you had left the house.
4. It was raining hard last night when Mary left the office.
5. When I called for my friend, her brother told me that she had left half an hour before.
6. I shouted to her to stop, but she was running too fast and didn't hear.
7. Large crowds were waiting at the station when the huge delegation arrived.
1. Tom didn't see her as he was reading when she came into the kitchen.
2. When Rupert was in Moscow he visited the places where he had played as a boy.
3. The letter arrived 10 minutes after you had left the house.
4. It was raining hard last night when Mary left the office.
5. When I called for my friend, her brother told me that she had left half an hour before.
6. I shouted to her to stop, but she was running too fast and didn't hear.
7. Large crowds were waiting at the station when the huge delegation arrived.
1. Memory
2. Remember
3. Memorize
4. Photographic
5. Recited