Свой город нужно тут писать
The 3rd of April
Dear, Lina,
Hi! Thanks for your last letter! It was great to hear from you again! How are you? Have you been in your new cinema house in your town? How is you little brother? You asked me about the film, which i have recently seen. I`m doind to tell you about it.
So, you know, that i like to see films. This once i`ve seen the "Titanic' in 3D. It was great! It seems as i was there and saw it my eyes. I liked it very much! I had seen it before, but now i was criing for a long time!
I`m sorry, but i have to go to help my mother now!
Lots of love,
1. If I find out something about him, I will phone you. 2. She will not (won't) know anything unless you tell her yourself. 3. He will pass the test if you help him. 4. They will be at home when the match starts. 5. Granny will be happy if I go to the country with her tomorrow.
Это условные предложения, в которых в главной части предложения глагол стоит в будущем времени (Future Simple), а в придаточной - в настоящем (Present Simple).
Определить придаточную часть можно по союзам IF и WHEN. В главной части этих союзов нет.
Begins, will sign, will do, speaks, will visit, starts, reads, will invite, go, will wash