1. Did you came early after work?
When did you come?
Did you come early or late?
You came early, didn't you?
Who came early?
2. Did she take your notebook?
Why she took your notebook?
She took your notebook by mistake or on purpose?
She took your notebook, didn't she?
Who took your notebook?
Все остальные делаются более-менее так же, кроме седьмого.
7. Was it very warm yesterday?
When was it very warm?
Was it very warm or very cold yesterday?
It was very warm yesterday, wasn't it?
What was very warm yesterday?
(Насчёт самого последнего не уверен, но формируется вопрос так.)
Английский язык имеет 5 типов вопросов. Общий, специальный, альтернативный, разделительный и вопрос к подлежащему.
Tale of developing creativity, imagination, imagination and sympathy of the little man. Programs life scenario. A positive value of fairy tales is that they give the children a sense of power and control over their lives in those cases when they feel helpless. Their negative value, firstly the fact that the proposed solution has magical nature and sometimes work in real life. And second, the tale imposes the image, tough character box, the selected character, style of behavior. Sometimes in adult life we wonder - "Where did I?" And now remember your favorite children's story, or any that came to mind (it is no coincidence). This story is your script. Consider her what she was, how can you utter.