1. January 6 - Holy Evening, the whole family is going to have dinner at the table immediately after the appearance in the sky of the first star, called Bethlehem.
2. At midnight on January 6-7, to open a bright holiday in the house, we open all the doors and windows.
3. The 12 fasting meals (without milk, eggs and oil) are another symbolic symbol of the celebration of the number of 12 apostles. It is important to try each, drinking compote. However, you can not eat everything: otherwise the refrigerator will be empty all year round.
Hello Jack!
This is me, your friend!
I am writing to you from our family farm. My family and I recently opened our own small business, we bought a farm and settled residents there) Every morning I have to feed the animals. My older sister and mother are engaged in cows. And dad took over the horse. We deliver our products to a small town shop, which we also prepare here. I look forward to seeing you at my farm.
With love!
Привет Джек! Это я твой друг! Пишу тебе с нашей семейной фермы. Мы с семьей недавно открыли свой маленький бизнесс, мы купили ферму и заселили туда жителей) Каждое утро я должен кормить животных. Моя старшая сестра и мама занимаются коровами. А папа взял на себя лошодей. Мы доставляем в маленький городскрй магазинчик нашу продукцию, которую тоже готовим тут. Я с нетерпением жду тебя к себе на ферму. С любовью!(тут вставишь свое имя)