On Tuesday, 23rd August, 2005, a tropical storm formed over the Bahamas, about 560 km east of Miami, Florida. By August 25, the storm had strengthened and become Hurricane Katrina. Residents of the city of New Orleans had no idea that within days, 80% of their city would be underwater in one the worst disasters in US history. 2 Hurricane Katrina was one of the most powerful storme that has ever hit the Atlantic coast with winds of 270 km per hour. As it became stronger over the Gulf Mexico, the mayor of New Orleans declared a state of emergency and started evacuating the city. When the eye of the storm missed the city by about 72 km, everyone thought the worst was over, but they were very wrong. 3 New Orleans has always been under threat from flooding. With the Mississippi River on two sides, Lake Pontchartrain to the north and most of the city 150-300 m below sea level, a series of high walls, called levees, protect it. As the hurricane came ashore, it brought an 800-metre-high storm surge that rode the rivers up to New Orleans, and smashed through the levees. 4 Over a million residents had already left the city, but tens of thousands, mainly the elderly and the poor, were in temporary shelters. As the waters rose, people were begging for help on roofs, and neighbourhoods were suffering from looting and violence. Emergency services struggled to cope. 5Eventually, the military and the National Guard moved into the city and began to get food and water to the desperate few that remained. After 43 days, army engineers pumped the of the flood water out of the city. Almost 1,500 people had 10SA their lives because of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans alone. These days, New Orleans is making a slow recovery. The ciy has improved the levees, the community is rebuilding itself, ae everyone is working hard to make sure that nothing like this Wi ever happen again. Краткий ( прямо краткий ) пересказ этого текста от лица пострадавшего
Место, где вы остановились прошлой ночью, на самом деле довольно близко к нам-примерно в 40 км отсюда. Оставить городе пусто автомагистрали A3 в направлении на восток пусто Metroville. Отрываются на трассе пусто выхода 19 и продолжайте в течение нескольких минут. Вы пойдете "большой автосалон" налево, а сразу после этого дойдете до светофора. Пройдите этот первый набор огней, а затем огни гнезда поверните направо. Вы сейчас на Виктория-роуд. Идите по дороге до конца, и вы увидите наши офисы прямо перед собой. Вы не можете пропустить их.
Автостоянка на самом деле спускается по пандусу, - здание. Там есть маленькая каюта-пандус, где сидит охранник, - вы ее увидите. Когда вы спускаетесь на стоянку, там не так много места для маневра, так что вам, возможно, придется пройти несколько раз вперед и вперед, прежде чем вы сможете вписаться в пространство! Мы все к этому привыкли.
Просто зайди в приемную, когда приедешь, и спроси меня - я сейчас спущусь.
С нетерпением жду встречи на следующей неделе.