Hello, Tony! How are you? Thank you for the letter! In my contry yes! I think that some teenagers do work! Sometimes Teenagers work in cafe, saller, baby siter, car washing and t.e. I think they spend there money for presents, food ( только для себя fast food), clothes, pen, pencil, and многое другое. I work in cafe название. I spend my money for clothes and school staffs. Like pen, pencil, notebook and sometimes books. What's your hobby? And what do you do in leisure time? What do you do in weekends? Finally, what do you like? Ok I need to go because I need to my mother!
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi, Ben. Thanks for your letter. I think that you like your new school. As for me, I like my school. There are lots of good teachers, guys and girls! I haven't got a lot of friends in my school, but it's not a problem for me. I have got only 2 friends, Lily and Daisy. When we have free time we usually have fun! We play different games, go to the canteen and eat there. We also can listen to our favourite music, go to the school gym and play basketball, volleyball or other games there. We can also dance. When we are dancing other pupils are looking for us and start dancing with us. It's verry funny! Now, I must go to my class. Talk to you later.
Здесь нет ни одного возвратного местоимения.
Возвратные - это myself, yourself, himself и т.д. (будут переводиться 'себя').
В этом же тексте личные, указательные, притяжательные, вопросительные местоимения. Задание совершенно неправильное.