Test your memory. Complete the sentences. (Проверь свою память. Дополни предложения)
1. The San Jos6 Mine is in the Atacama...
2.The rock fell in front of the mine's...
3. The camp was cal led Esperanza which means...
4. The families knew the miners were OK because they wrote a …
5. Families could see the miners because they had a …
6.A million people all over the world watched the final…
Some people think that life in the city is more comfortable than in the country, while others say that this is not true. In my opinion, city life is a good way to get a better education. Moreover, those who live in urban areas have much more opportunities for entertainment, because they can go to different museums, theaters and cinemas. In addition, adults have well-paid and more prestigious jobs than in the villages. On the other hand, my friends say that life in the village is much healthier, as people breathe fresh air and eat natural food. They need less time to go to work. They claim that urban life is very dangerous for our health, because cars and plants emit huge amounts of harmful gases and toxic chemicals.