Listen to the recording and match, the people to their descriptions. • This person has gol long blonde har The audio O This person has got dark eyes The audio. 4) о This person has got a beard and a moustache. The audio: This person has got small nose.
1.Every university has not its own laboratories, workshops and computer centers. Каждый университет не имеет свои лаборатории, мастерские и компьютерные центры. Has every university its own laboratories, workshops and computer centers? Имеет ли каждый университет свои лаборатории, мастерские и компьютерные центры? 2. In the third year students don't begin to study specialized subjects. На третьем курсе студенты не начинают изучать специализированные предметы. Do students begin to study specialized subjects in the third year? Начинают ли изучать студенты специализированные предметы на третьем курсе? 3. The lecture won't begin in five minutes. Лекция начнется через пять минут. Will the lecture begin in five minutes? Начнется ли лекция через пять минут?
1. We are playing cricket now. Are we playing cricket now? We aren’t playing cricket now. 2. They will be waiting for their coach in the gym at 7.00 a.m. Will they be waiting for their coach in the gym at 7.00 a.m? They won't be waiting for their coach in the gym at 7.00 a.m. 3. The game is getting more interesting. Is the game getting more interesting? The game isn't getting more interesting. 4. They were writing grammar exercises at that time yesterday. Were they writing grammar exercises at that time yesterday? They weren't writing grammar exercises at that time yesterday. 5. She was taking her final exams at that time last year. Was she taking her final exams at that time last year? She wasn't taking her final exams at that time last year. 6. They are discussing a new project in the conference hall now. Are they discussing a new project in the conference hall now? They aren't discussing a new project in the conference hall now. 7. She is running marathon today. Is she running marathon today? She isn't running marathon today. 8. Pete and Jane were playing chess when I came in. Were Pete and Jane playing chess when I came in? Pete and Jane weren't playing chess when I came in. 9. He was meeting the opponent team at the airport at 9.30 a.m. yesterday. Was he meeting the opponent team at the airport at 9.30 a.m. yesterday? He wasn't meeting the opponent team at the airport at 9.30 a.m. yesterday. 10. He is visiting his parents at the week-end. Is he visiting his parents at the week-end? He isn't visiting his parents at the week-end.
1. This person has got a beard and a moustache
2. This person has got a small nose
3. This person has got long, blonde hair
4. This person has got dark eyes
бәрі дұрыс жауаптар