A tailor makes and fixes clothes. A farmer looks after animals or grows food on a farm. A doctor helps you get better when you are sick. A babysitter looks after small children. A teacher teaches children in a school. A plumber fixes things like pipes or toilets. A fireman fights fires.
Портной создает и улучшает одежду. Фермер присматривает за животными или выращивает еду на ферме. Врач вылечиться, когда ты болен. Няня присматривает за маленькими детьми. Учитель учит детей в школе. Сантехник исправляет такие вещи, как трубы или туалеты. Пожарный борется с пожарами.
Hello friend! May be you heard about my new job. Yeah, i'm the carpenter now. It's a awesome profession! Guess why i'm chose it? Hmm... Because I'm work "with my own hand". This is mean, I can to create a beautiful things from wood : stairs,houses,doors and so on. I'm like a painter, but my colors is a wood and everyone can touch my "creation" and use it. But I need to be really very careful. Actualy, there many tools which I'm working with and it's all dangerous. It's a very rare profession in our days and there's no competition in that. I have a many orders and mostly working every day,ofthenly,even in Sunday. But it make me happy!
A tailor makes and fixes clothes. A farmer looks after animals or grows food on a farm. A doctor helps you get better when you are sick. A babysitter looks after small children. A teacher teaches children in a school. A plumber fixes things like pipes or toilets. A fireman fights fires.
Портной создает и улучшает одежду. Фермер присматривает за животными или выращивает еду на ферме. Врач вылечиться, когда ты болен. Няня присматривает за маленькими детьми. Учитель учит детей в школе. Сантехник исправляет такие вещи, как трубы или туалеты. Пожарный борется с пожарами.