1. Let’s run over that dance sequence just one more time.
2. Sharon thought David was out of town, but she ran into him at the cinema.
3. The book is about a young boy who runs away from home.
4. We’ve run out of sugar – I’ll go and buy some.
5. I hope we won’t run out of petrol before we get home!
6. I ran into Eddie in the supermarket yesterday.
7. The robber tried to run away from the police but he didn’t manage to.
8. My cat got run over by a car yesterday.
9. We’ve run out of petrol. We need to find a petrol station.
10. A lot of cars in Russia run on natural gas.
11. Guess what? I ran into Ivan at the library today.
12. I saw a thief running away from the police in town last night.
13. I ran into my English teacher at the shopping mall.
14. Electric automobiles run on electricity.
15. The car ran out of petrol.
16. I’d like to run over the song one more time.
17. The time for the test is running out.
18. He ran after the car trying to stop it.
19. I ran across my old friend at the cinema.
On Saturday morning I get up a little later, because I don’t have to go to school. / Утром в субботу я встаю чуть позже, потому что в школу идти не надо.
I go to the bathroom, brushing my teeth, washing my hands and face. / Иду в ванную, чищу зубы, мою руки и лицо.
Then we all have breakfast. / Затем мы все завтракаем.
After breakfast, I help my mother to clean and wash the dishes. / После завтрака я маме убрать и помыть посуду.
At 10 am, I can watch TV, read a book or play computer games. / В 10 утра я могу посмотреть телевизор, почитать книгу или поиграть в компьютерные игры.
At 2 pm we sit down to lunch. В 2 часа дня мы обедаем.
After lunch we will go to the market to buy groceries for a week. / После обеда мы едем на рынок покупать продукты на неделю.
At 5 o'clock in the evening I walk with my friends in the park or we play football or ride skateboard and skates. / В 5 часов вечера я гуляю со своими друзьями в парке или мы играем в футбол или катаемся на скейтборде и роликах.
папе или маме по дому.
At 7 pm we have dinner. / В 7 часов вечера мы ужинаем.
In the 8th aces of the evening I play chess with my dad or Monopoly. / В 8 часов вечера я играю с папой в шахматы или в Монополию.
At 9 o'clock in the evening I watch TV. / В 9 часов вечера смотрю телевизор.
At 10 o'clock in the evening I brush my teeth, my face and hands go to bed. / В 10 часов вечера чищу зубы, мою лицо руки и ложусь спать.
1) hear
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