1. The quarantine lasts for 14 days. This is the time of the incubation period of a coronavirus infection, that is, the time when the first symptoms appear.
2. during the quarantine period, you can not leave the house, even to receive a parcel or buy food.
3. if possible, each of the residents of the apartment should be in a separate room.
4. It is necessary to use separate utensils, personal hygiene products, linens and towels.
5. Products are recommended to be ordered online or with the help of volunteers who help those who are in quarantine.
this summer was not the most interesting. most of it I stayed at home because of quarantine. Every day I taught the dog to command. for the 4 months he has been living with us I have taught him more than 20 orders. also every day I walked the dog sometimes alone sometimes with my brother. and at the end of the summer I started walking more often with friends. every Sunday we rode around the city. nothing more interesting happened.
this summer was not the most interesting. most of it I stayed at home because of quarantine. Every day I taught the dog to command. for the 4 months he has been living with us I have taught him more than 20 orders. also every day I walked the dog sometimes alone sometimes with my brother. and at the end of the summer I started walking more often with friends. every Sunday we rode around the city. nothing more interesting happened.
це літо було не найцікавішим. більшість із них я залишився вдома через карантин. Щодня я вчив собаку командувати. за 4 місяці, що він живе з нами, я навчив його більше 20 наказів. також щодня я гуляв із собакою, іноді наодинці, іноді з братом. а наприкінці літа я почав частіше гуляти з друзями. щонеділі ми катались по місту. нічого цікавішого не сталося.
1. flies
2. stays
3. sees