Перевод, на всякий случай ❤️☺️Жизнь в Итоне очень насыщенная и вызывает у людей интерес и энтузиазм как во время, так и после занятий. Конечно, здесь мы занимаемся многими видами спорта, такими как легкая атлетика, но основными видами спорта в Итоне традиционно являются регби и футбол (футбольный мяч). хоккей, теннис
An interesting book was taken in the library by a little girl last weekend.Rare books were told about to children by a librarian yesterday.This writer will be invited by schoolchildren to their concert next week.Different fairytales were written by the pupils last month.Many interesting books are read every day.A new school library was opened by them on Monday.English poems are read by my sister in lessons.Millions of books are published by them daily.This horror story won't be translated into English by a boy tomorrow.The atlases are always used by my classmates in Geography lessons.
1. Образуйте Причастие I следующих глаголов: watching, typing, going, swimming, sitting, jogging, painting, lying, preparing, playing
2. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму: 1.She isn't studying English now. Is she studying English now?
2. I am not eating now. Am I eating now?
3. They aren't playing in the garden. Are they playing in the garden?
3. Поставьте предложения в Present Continuous: 1. They are playing football now. 2. He is doing exercises now. 3. My mother is watching TV now. 4. We are drawing beautiful pictures now. 5. I am going to the University now.
4. Раскройте скобки: He is speaking) about his family (now). 2. I am translating) articles (now). 3. They are swimming) in the river (now).
Перевод, на всякий случай ❤️☺️Жизнь в Итоне очень насыщенная и вызывает у людей интерес и энтузиазм как во время, так и после занятий. Конечно, здесь мы занимаемся многими видами спорта, такими как легкая атлетика, но основными видами спорта в Итоне традиционно являются регби и футбол (футбольный мяч). хоккей, теннис