Я не знаю, есть ли у тебя братья или сёстры, поэтому сделала несколько вариантов, можешь выбрать. Если у тебя несколько братьев или сестёр, или брат с сестрой, или кто-то ещё, напиши мне в комментариях, я переделаю.
Если у тебя брат: Hello, Nick! I want to tell you about what me and my family are doing at home today. My family isn't large. It consists of four members : me, mother, father and my brother. My mother is cooking dinner now. She cooks well. My father is reading a book at the moment. He likes reading books. And my brother is listening to music. He loves rock music. After dinner me and my family will go for a walk. I'll take a picture of us. I can send the photo later, if you want. Bye!
Если у тебя сестра: Hello, Nick! I want to tell you about what me and my family are doing at home today. My family isn't large. It consists of four members : me, mother, father and my sister. My mother is cooking dinner now. She cooks well. My father is reading a book at the moment. He likes reading books. And my sister is listening to music. She loves classic music. After dinner me and my family will go for a walk. I'll take a picture of us. I can send the photo later, if you want. Bye!
Если ты один: Hello, Nick! I want to tell you about what me and my family are doing at home today. My family isn't large. It consists of four members : me, my mother, and father. My mother is cooking dinner now. She cooks well. And my father is reading a book at the moment. He likes reading books. After dinner me and my family will go for a walk. I'll take a picture of us. I can send the photo later, if you want. Bye!
Поездка удалась? Да Я приехал из Сан-Диего вчера. И вы нашли хороший отель? Нет, я остановился у родителей в Окленде. Когда вы переехали из Окленд? Я поступил в колледж в Лос-Анджелесе. Это было в 1988 году. Итак, где вы сейчас работаете? Soledad Computers в Сан-Диего. Почему вы хотите сменить работу сейчас? Я хотел бы попутешествовать. Я хочу использовать свои знания языков, и я хочу лучшую работу. Вы хотите жить ближе к вашим родителям? Я не потому хочу эту работу. Но да, я хотел бы снова жить в этом районе. Чтож мистер Ло. Мы с вами свяжемся.
Если у тебя брат:
Hello, Nick!
I want to tell you about what me and my family are doing at home today.
My family isn't large. It consists of four members : me, mother, father and my brother.
My mother is cooking dinner now. She cooks well. My father is reading a book at the moment. He likes reading books. And my brother is listening to music. He loves rock music.
After dinner me and my family will go for a walk. I'll take a picture of us.
I can send the photo later, if you want.
Если у тебя сестра:
Hello, Nick!
I want to tell you about what me and my family are doing at home today.
My family isn't large. It consists of four members : me, mother, father and my sister.
My mother is cooking dinner now. She cooks well. My father is reading a book at the moment. He likes reading books. And my sister is listening to music. She loves classic music.
After dinner me and my family will go for a walk. I'll take a picture of us.
I can send the photo later, if you want.
Если ты один:
Hello, Nick!
I want to tell you about what me and my family are doing at home today.
My family isn't large. It consists of four members : me, my mother, and father.
My mother is cooking dinner now. She cooks well. And my father is reading a book at the moment. He likes reading books.
After dinner me and my family will go for a walk. I'll take a picture of us.
I can send the photo later, if you want.