What places in russia need the attention of conservationists? why? 2)what is done in yosemite now to help preserve it for future generations& (написать на "ответы" хотя бы 2 предложения на каждый вопрос)*0*
Massive deforestation caused deep changes in land hydrology and soil water regime. As a consequence, increased erosion, appeared devastating floods, shallow rivers and fresh water was a problem, increased in many regions of the withering work climate.
In addition to the depletion of natural resources, industrial development has created a new problem - the problem of environmental pollution. Were heavily contaminated with industrial waste water mainly, air, soil. These pollutants not only extremely negative impact on the fertility of soils, vegetation and wildlife, but also began to represent a significant risk to human health. To date, not kept a single corner of the 'Earth, where there would be no impact on nature. Even in Antarctica marked fallout.
To Russia for the last goal with the fallout over 4 million tons and 1.25 million tons of sulfur nitrate nitrogen. The strongest acid rains in the central (industrial) areas. For example, in Moscow and its surrounding areas, as well as St. Petersburg - with rains in zashyu annual precipitation of more than 1 ton of sulfur per square km. The acidity of precipitation decreases in the coastal zone of northern, western and eastern Siberian seas. The most prosperous region in this regard recognizes the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) ("Moskovsky Komsomolets", 17/09/97, the)
Я очень люблю ходить в зоопарк. Там можно встретить много интересных животных, которых я не видела раньше. У всех животных разные повадки, разный характер. Я больше люблю больших животных. Таких как: лев, тигр, зубр, и так далее. Я советую вам тоже сходить в зоопарк. I love going to the zoo. There you can find a lot of interesting animals, which I had not seen before. In all animals, different habits, different character. I love big animals. Such as: the lion, the tiger, bison, and so on. I suggest you also to go to the zoo.
Yuo should start the walk from metro station "Nevsky Prospekt" or "Gostiny Dvor". Approximate itinerary covering the main attractions is: Palace Square - St. Isaac's Square - The Bronze Horseman - The Palace Bridge - then Vasilievsky island - the Peter and Paul fortress - the Cruiser "Aurora" - Troitsky Bridge - Summer Garden - the Savior on Blood. It will take about five hours. If you want to know the history and culture of the city ,enjoy the beauty of St. Petersburg, I would suggest you to pay more attention and time for such attractions as *** St. Isaac's Cathedral (from one to two hours) *** The Hermitage (from four hours) *** Peterhof (Petrodvorets) (about five hours) *** Petropavskaya Fortress (about three-four hours) One of the most important thing is to see and enjoy drawbridges and to know what the "white nights" are.
Massive deforestation caused deep changes in land hydrology and soil water regime. As a consequence, increased erosion, appeared devastating floods, shallow rivers and fresh water was a problem, increased in many regions of the withering work climate.
In addition to the depletion of natural resources, industrial development has created a new problem - the problem of environmental pollution. Were heavily contaminated with industrial waste water mainly, air, soil. These pollutants not only extremely negative impact on the fertility of soils, vegetation and wildlife, but also began to represent a significant risk to human health. To date, not kept a single corner of the 'Earth, where there would be no impact on nature. Even in Antarctica marked fallout.
To Russia for the last goal with the fallout over 4 million tons and 1.25 million tons of sulfur nitrate nitrogen. The strongest acid rains in the central (industrial) areas. For example, in Moscow and its surrounding areas, as well as St. Petersburg - with rains in zashyu annual precipitation of more than 1 ton of sulfur per square km. The acidity of precipitation decreases in the coastal zone of northern, western and eastern Siberian seas. The most prosperous region in this regard recognizes the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) ("Moskovsky Komsomolets", 17/09/97, the)