он был франзузким генрихом
Hello Alex,
How are you? I am ok. And i did a lot of things in my winter holidays. First of all i did my homeworks and house works. Then i am and my family went to the mountains. Because in there was a lot of things to do. We ate shashliks and grill. And skied, played snows and had a nice days. The most interesting was one day, in that day i am and my brother went to into the forest . And we got lost. But after an hour our parents came there and found us. After that day i couldn't walk alone. And i read more books about detective, Conan Doyle's books. Especially "Sherlock Holmes" was very interesting.
My favorite film
The series of films about the wizard Harry Potter, based on the books of the English writer JK Rowling, is my favorite film series. The world where movie heroes exist is filled with magic and unusual creatures. Amazing events that are impossible in reality take place in it, and in the finale of each part, good always triumphs over evil.
From the very first minutes the film captures with its unusual atmosphere and captivating plot. A simple twelve-year-old schoolboy Harry Potter suddenly turns out to be a real wizard and enters the Hogwarts school of magic, which is led by the wise and kind Professor Albus Dumbledore. This set-up is, of course, intriguing and makes you look forward to what will happen next.
And then the main character and his faithful friends – Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger are facing many incredible adventures. First of all, schoolchildren will have to fight the almighty Lord Voldemort and his minions, the Death Eaters. On their way, the guys will also meet the poisonous monster Basilisk, the insidious snake Nagini, the giant spider Aragog, Beakwing, animagi, ghosts and other fantastic creatures.
I like the fact that my favorite charaters and their friendship are growing with each new part of saga. They are able to overcome any obstacles in their path. And the older they become, the more trials they face. Many tragic events take place in the last part of saga. Of course, it makes me even more worried about the heroes.
Thus, the Harry Potter films are not just amazing fantastic stories for me. On the one hand it is a story about true friendship, love and self-sacrifice. But on the other, it is about overwhelming anger, hatred, lust for power and betrayal.
Он был французским герцогом Анжуйским. При английском дворе еще долго говорили на французском. Английский был уделом простолюдинов.