The Collector
The Collector by John Fowles was first published in 1963 and is a kind of a harror story.It is one of the best and most fasinating books I have ever read.It holds your attention from the very beginning and becomes more and more shocking as the story unfolds.
The main character is Frederick Clegg , a lonely young man, who works as a clerk in a city hall.Clegg collects buttereflies and is obsessed with Miranda Grey, an art student.He admires her from afar, fascinated by her every move, but he is unable to make any contact with her.He is too shy.
The turning point in the story is when Clegg wins a lot of money and desides to make his dreams come true. He buys a remote country cottag e, kidnaps Miranda and keeps hr there to admire her and her and make her love him.He wants to take photographs of her because she is his latest and most precious 'butterfly'.
One of themost interesting aspects of the story is the portayal of Miranda.She tries to find a way out from the strange situation she finds herself in but she is very confused.She goes from one extreme to the other, from trying to understand Frederick to thinkingof killing him.In th end she falls ill, probably with pneumonia and dies.Clegg does nothing to help her.
The Collevtor evokes a number of different emotions in the readr.You try to understand Clegg.You sympathise with Miranda.You wonder how the story will end. This is a book which , once you have started, is impossible to put down.
я помню.. у меня как-то было похожее задание.. посмотри... там и русский вариант и английский.. может что сам(а) добавишь...
Ромео и Джульетта — трагедия Уильяма Шекспира, рассказывающая о любви юноши и девушки из двух враждующих старинных родов — Монтекки и Капулетти. Написана она была в 1594-95 годах, а официально издана была в Лондоне 1599 году.
Действие происходит в Италии в Вероне в начале 14 века. Ромео и Джульетта знакомятся на празднике в доме Капулетти. Под покровом ночи молодые люди дают друг другу клятву любви и верности. Джульетта не хочет выходить замуж за Париса, поэтому выпивает особое снадобье, которое погрузит её в сон. Все решают, что она умерла. Ромео тоже так решает, поэтому выпивает яд. Джульетта просыпается и, видя его труп, закалывает себя.
Это самая известная работа Уильяма Шекспира. Я считаю, что данное произведение полезно читать не только детям, но и их родителям, чтобы не забывали о том, что с мнением детей необходимо считаться. В общем, книга - шедевр классической литературы!
“Romeo and Juliet” is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare in 1594-95 and published in London in 1599. It is the most famous love story of a boy and a girl from two feuding old families - the Montagues and the Capulets.
It is set in Italy in the early 14th century. Romeo and Juliet are met in the house of Capulet. Young people give each other an oath of love and fidelity. Juliet doesn`t want to marry Paris, so she drinks a potion that mimics a dream. Everyone decides that Juliet is dead. So does the Romeo and therefore he drinks poison. Juliet wakes up and seeing the corpse, stabs herself
I believe that this work is useful to read not only by children, but also by their parents. They shouldn`t forget to listen to children's views. Overall, this book is a masterpiece of classical literature!
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today. She is at home.
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