Hi, Asel!
I want to tell you about how I went to the concert.It played a very romanticno!From the beginning began a unique love, and in the end the death of both.Because I really liked the movie, I want to write you a letter.
It all started with the fact that the boy was walking down the street and saw a beautiful woman.But not only did he notice her ,but she noticed him.That's how they met.Then another guy appeared, dazzled by the girl's beauty.He was merciless and separated them .But the beauty managed to escape with her lover.And merciless found them and did not regret it.
I really liked the movie!It is very breathtaking.You should watch it too!
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124 слов
act - действие; action - тоже действие; actor - актер; acting - актерская игра;
Music - музыка; musician - музыкант, musical - музыкальный;
Sing - петь; singer - певец; singing - пение;
Dance - танцевать; dancer - танцор; dancing - танцевать; dancy - танцевальный;
Perform - представлять; performer - исполнитель; performance - представление; performing - выступающий;
Write - писать; writer - писатель; wtiring - писательский;
Compose - создавать; composer - композитор; composition - композиция;
Drama - драма; dramatic - драматичный; dramatist - драматург; dramaturgie - драматургия;
Classic - классический; classical - классический; classicism - классицизм; classication - классификация;
Comedy - комедия; comedian - комедиант; comedic - комедийный;
Tragedy - трагедия; tragedian - трагик; tragic - трагедийный; tragicomedy - трагикомедия;
Vladimir Putin is one of Russia's most famous people. He, as many already know the prize-winning Russian federation. He's very famous. It is known by children and adults and even the elderly. He can change everything in the country if he wants to. He is loved and voted for him in the elections.