4 2.05 Look at the magazine cover. Then listen to an interview with Lady Tara Toffingham. Match seasons 1-4 with four of the places. 1 Winter London 2 Spring Switzerland 3 Summer New York and Boston 4 Autumn Australia Rio de Janeiro
?Я люблю читать - I love to read Ты любишь плавать? - You love to swim? Кто любит компьютерные игры? - Who loves computer games? Она любит играть на пианино. - She loves to play the piano. Он любит птиц. - He love birds. Почему ты хранишь эти старые открытки? - Why do you keep these old cards? Ты можешь хранить секреты? - You can keep a secret? Для того, чтобы быть в хорошей спортивной форме, я много хожу пешком. - For being in good shape, I walk a lot on foot Иногда, когда погода хорошая, мы катаемся на велосипеде. - Sometimes, when the weather is good, we ride a Bicycle. Каждые выходные мы берём нашу собаку и гуляем за городом. - Every weekend we take our dog and walk in the countryside.
2 Excuse me, can you tell me where the toy shop is?
3 The art gallery is next to the chemist’s.
4 Yesterday Mum and I bought me very beautiful and cheap shoes on sale.
5 Let’s go to the florist’s. It’s next to the shoe shop.
6 Look at the museum notice “Be quiet! Don’t touch the statues and pictures”.
7 Where is the cinema?
8 The weather was great yesterday. I decided to go to the Adventure Park with my friends because there are many rides.
9 Last Saturday we went to the Zoo and saw a lot of wild animals.