Нет, хлеб-неисчесляемое. (также к неисчесляемым относятся: мясо, фрукты, жидкости, сыр, хлеб, масло и другое)
1. I have been studying English since I was 8 years old.
2. Not only in school, but also in different applications.
3. A foreign language can be learned through books, films, or as I said earlier with different applications.
4. Yes, I tried.
5. I think more efficient method is practice. Because you're talking to someone, maybe they'll correct you, and your pronunciation improves.
6. a) 1 year or 2, but it depends on how the person is interested in it.
b) I believe that to speak English fluently, you need to practice a lot.
7. no
8. I study English because I am interested in it and I understand that it is useful in many places. It is not difficult for me at all, especially since he will help me with my profession.
9. because it is needed almost everywhere and now without it anywhere.
вы бы знали как я долго это писала, зато своими словами
1. No, I don't. I haven't built it yet.
2. No, he doesn't. He hasn't learnt it yet.
3. No, she doesn't. She hasn't bought it yet.
4. No, I don't. I haven't mastered English yet.
5. No, they don't. They haven't grown rich yet.
6. No, she doesn't. She hasn't entered here yet.
7. No, they don't. They haven't moved yet.
8. No, I don't. I haven't passed last exam yet.
9. No, he doesn't. He hasn't applied for it yet.
10. No, I don't. I haven't seen her yet.
11. No, they don't. They haven't ridden yet.
12. No, they don't. They haven't discussed it yet.
13. No, I don't. I haven't joined a party yet.
14. No, she don't. I haven't told her yet.
15. No, I don't. I haven't tasted it yet.
Нет, неисчисляемое , правильно сказать much bread