Даны 8 пар слов, первые слова из пары вы знаете, вторые использованы ниже в предложениях, вы должны выписать эти слова и написать значение этих слов на русском.
6. Could you open the door, please? I see girl knocking. 7. Let's make a speech at the reception. 8.The advice you gave me helped a lot. 9. I like to be in the centre of everything. 10. At night I had a terrible headache after I had drunk a lot of wine in the evening. 11.Look cut! There is a dangerous bend in the road. 12. Mrs. Patsy is the last person I'd like to meet. 13. Tom's planning to take a boat to go fishing on Sunday. 14. Could you phone later, please? Kate's having a bath. 15. The rent is 150 dollars for month. 16. We often go to the theatre and to the cinema, but very rarely to the circus. 17. When their father came home, they had dinner and then watched TV. They went to bed at 11 p.m. 18.What a pity they haven't seen this performance! 19. She can't find a telegram which she received this morning. 20. Are you going to the country for weekend? 21. She usually goes shopping on Thursdays, but last Thursday she didn't do shopping. She had to go to the dentist's. 22. What's a lovely song! What's a beautiful music! 23. Could you tell me the time, please? - It's a quarter past six. 24. Do you usually go by the train or in the car there?
1No preservatives are added to our products. 2 a lot of new schools in faraway regions are being builded by the Government 3 he's been just arrested by police on suspicion of murder. 4 will this magazine be published this month? 5 the new motorway will be completed by May 6 their house hasn’t been cleaned for weeks 7the water was cut off by the company because Mr and Mrs Smith hadn’t paid their bill. 8 A new cinema hall is going to be opened next month 9 The car couldn't been used because the garage was servicing it. 10 a lot of books on information technology are published
rent is 150 dollars for month. 16. We often go to the theatre and to the cinema, but very rarely to the circus. 17. When their father came home, they had dinner and then watched TV. They went to bed at 11 p.m. 18.What a pity they haven't seen this performance! 19. She can't find a telegram which she received this morning. 20. Are you going to the country for weekend? 21. She usually goes shopping on Thursdays, but last Thursday she didn't do shopping. She had to go to the dentist's. 22. What's a lovely song!
What's a beautiful music! 23. Could you tell me the time, please? - It's a quarter past six. 24. Do you usually go by the train or in the car there?