I love to read books. My favorite literary works is a fairy tales.
My favorite fairy tale is "Alice in Wonderland" There's a funny hatter and cheshire cat. Сheshire cat has big eyes and mouth. His smile a little scares me...Not much . quite a bit.But it is good and I like their uniqueness . (Я люблю читать книги. Мой любимый стиль в литературе-это сказки. Моя любимая сказка- это Алиса в стране чудес. Там есть смешной шляпник и чеширский кот. У чеширского кота большие глаза и рот. Его улыбка немного пугает меня. Не сильно, а немного. Ведь он хороший и мне нравится его необычность.)
1. If he were not such an outstanding actor he wouldn't have so many admirers.
2. If you give me your address. I shall write you a letter.
3. If my sister doesn’t go to the south, we will spend the summer in St. Petersburg together.
4. I should be delighted if l had such a beautiful fur coat.
5. If he had worked hard, he would have achieved great progress.
6. If it is not too cold, I shall not put on my coat.
7. I would have written the composition long ago if you had not disturbed me.
8. If he didn't read so much, he would not be so clever.
1) This letter was received after his depature.
2) Have you ever been attacked by dogs?
3) Honey is gathered from flowers by bees.
4) The ship was driven against the rock by the storm.
5) The book was published by him last year.
6) These clothes are used by us only on special occasions.