ответ:Всегда предупреждайте близких, куда идете.
Не ходите в одиночестве по темным улицам. Выйдите на светлую сторону дороги.
Не надевайте драгоценности, если собираетесь поздно возвращаться домой.
Если к вам подошли незнакомцы и просят провести на какую-то улицу, объясните, как туда дойти, но не провожайте.
Не вешайте ключи на ремне или на шее.
Если за вами кто-то идет или преследует, зайдите в супермаркет или другое общественное место, где можно затеряться.
Не идите с незнакомыми людьми, если вам обещают что-то показать или дать деньги за доставленный багаж.
"be careful," i told him. – i told him to be careful.
«будь осторожен», сказал я ему. – я сказал ему быть осторожнее.
"go away," he said. – he told me to go away.
«уходи», сказал он. – он велел мне уходить.
"call the first witness," said the judge. – the judge ordered them to call the first witness.
«позовите первого свидетеля», сказал судья. – судья сказал позвать первого свидетеля.
she told him, "please wait here till i return." – she requested him to wait there till she returned.
она сказала ему: «подожди, , здесь, пока я не вернусь». – она попросила его подождать здесь, пока она не вернется.
"stop smoking," the doctor said. – the doctor told me to stop smoking.
«перестаньте курить», сказал врач. – врач сказал мне перестать курить.
the stranger said to me, "please help me." – the stranger requested me to help him.
незнакомец сказал мен: «, мне». – незнакомец попросил меня ему.
the teacher said to the students, "work hard." – the teacher advised the students to work hard.
учитель сказал ученикам: «занимайтесь прилежно». – учитель посоветовал ученикам заниматься прилежно.
i said to the child, "do not look down into the well." – i warned the child not to look down into the well.
я сказал ребенку: «не заглядывай в колодец». – я ребенка не заглядывать в колодец.
the doctor said to the patient, "please come in." – the doctor allowed (= asked) the patient to come in.
врач сказал пациенту: «входите, ». – врач разрешил (= попросил) пациента войти.
I am lucky to have many friends. I talk with the guys in the yard, at school, in the swimming section, where I study. And the best among them is Anton. He is my closest and most reliable friend. We live in neighboring houses and study at the same school, albeit in different classes. I would like to study with him, but he is almost a year older.
Anton has blonde hair and brown eyes. He is tall and thin, half a head taller than me. At the same time, he is very strong and hardy, he never complains about difficulties.
We have been friends with Anton for three years. We play ball together, swim, play video games. In good weather we like to ride bicycles and go to the lake to fish. If my family is going to a picnic, we always invite Anton with us, and vice versa. We also sometimes go to the movies together.
Anton is a very cheerful and kind boy, he is always in a good mood. My friend knows how to cheer me up and other guys with his jokes. He is great at telling funny stories and anecdotes. We like the same music. When our parents are not at home, we love to listen to loud rock. Our tastes generally coincide in many ways, from the style of clothing to food. And he, like me, loves animals.
Anton proved to be a good friend not only in entertainment, but also in difficult times. That is why I decided to dedicate the essay to him, and not to someone else. This person always helps me, never leaving me in trouble. And you don't even have to ask him for that. Often Anton notices that it's hard for me, then he hurries to give useful advice or help, without waiting for a request.
It is good when you have friends, and even better if you have a close friend who you can confidently entrust your secrets and worries to, who will listen and understand you. It is only important to always be ready to reciprocate. He, too, should know that you will help him, no matter what.