Dingo is an Australian wild dog. Dingo have some features of a wolf as well as domestic dog. Dingo live in Australia and some countries of Southeast Asia. Color is usually ginger, sometimes more yellow or reddish. Alpine dingos are completely white.
Dingos regarded as a dangerous animal, in Australia it is illegal to keep it as a pet. There were some cases of dingos attacking people, particularly children. Of Frazer Island where there are lots of dingos, there are signs everywhere urging tourists not to feed dingos and never leave children without supervision.
And now what?
*When I was a kid I wanted to be an electronics engineer. I've already taken four A-levels but now I want to quit. I don't want to follow my father's footsteps and become a mechanic. On the other hand, I don't want to join the long list of school leavers who have no job. I wast to work. Only I don't know what to do."
How often we hear this! It is not only the choice of a job, a career, but also the fact that you don't feel ready to face the real world.
If you look at the job market today, you will see that the types of jobs your parents might have had are not around anymore. You can't think of doing what your parents did, unless they were something like a doctor, a lawyer or a nurse.
However, the variety of jobs today is much greater than it was years ago. Industrial, scientific and technological development have created new types of jobs, trades and professions, but you have to be ready for them; that is to say, they are much more demanding and you have to be better prepared. For example, if you apply for a job, you will certainly be asked about your computing abilities.
Find in the text synonyms for the following words/expression.
1. Drop out - quit
2. Option - choice, variety
3. Evolution - development
4. Requiring more than usually expected, especially great effort and skill - demanding
5. Request something officially and in writing - apply
6. Capacities - abilities